I have a herniated disc. Good to know.
For the record, I would not like to ever have another MRI. I should have Google'd that. 45 minutes nearly naked in a tiny tube where the strapped me (even my head) to a table. Good times. Not. It took a lot for me to not push the panic button so I could get out of there. Evidently, I do not like to be in enclosed spaces.
Enough of that. I want. Really want to be out in my garden. I'm tired of laying around and this is prime season. It's started, but there is so much to do. I couldn't do any work, but I could take pictures...
It's not technically time to be setting out tomato plants, but I had 3 seedlings that were probably going to die if I left them in those little containers any longer. They are these.
Sugar Snaps I got from High Mowing Seeds. I'm not sure if I'm happy with them or not. We've had such a funky spring I might be unfairly judging them. We shall see what they do. P.S. I'm not all that fond of our four maple trees. They make such a mess.
The birds will probably get to them before I can. Not much to worry about. I only have a few surviving plants from an old patch.
I need to figure out some things to do with tarragon. Really, it's too much. Anybody want some?
Bleeding hearts will always be my favorite, but irises are so lovely....
This is a weird thing. I planted one purple columbine a few years back. Now, I have columbines all over the place. And they are all different colors...pink, white, yellow, purple... How did that happen?