
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. -Proverbs 1:7

Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost you all you have, get understanding.-Proverbs 4:7

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Big Announcement...

This is huge in my world.  If you don't know me, then I guess you are probably all "So what's the big deal?".  Trust's a big deal.  In July I would have told you I could more easily see myself knocking off the 7-11 than this.  Anything other than this.

Fortunately, photographic technology exists, because nobody believes it when I tell them.  And then when it registers...hahaha...kind of funny to watch play out.

I've had a couple of weeks to come up with some sort of explanation.  Easier said than done.  Get this book and read the whole thing (because it's good).  The applicable part starts on page 175 and goes to the end.  What else can I say?

Tomorrow is the first game for me.  I was going to wait until then to let y'all know about this.  Pictures, you know.  But I just realized they posted this beauty on the school website.  So I stole it.  Real-time pictures tomorrow.  :-)

I'll save the rest of this story for some other time.  There's me...there's more. this picture.  Doesn't it look like I have a freakishly long arm with a giant hand?  Like they photoshopped someone else's arm/hand on there?  Maybe they did.  Because nothing on my body is freakishly long.