
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. -Proverbs 1:7

Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost you all you have, get understanding.-Proverbs 4:7

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mystery Trip Tuesday

This one actually started on Monday.  There is no way we could have done all this in one day including the drive down and back.



 Here's the thing:  At some point, kids always get to big to be thrilled about picture taking.  That's when you have to pull the "Well, I guess we aren't leaving then." at random rest areas.



On the road into Williamsburg...

Just a random sheep who lives there, because he was looking at me.

The thing about this picture is really the tree.  When I was a kid, we had one of these trees in the backyard.  I have no idea what kind of tree it is and I'd never seen another until this one.  Ours was huge and we called it the "bean tree".  We used to spend whole days playing in that tree and picking the beans.  We thought (as kids) they were poisonous.  Could be true, maybe.

The branches of this tree go all the way to the ground which makes the whole tree sort of umbrella shaped.  Kind of interesting, I thought.

Crepe Myrtle

Jac is still at the age he'll pose in front of anything.  He looks like a refugee here.  In his defense, it was raining.

Dramatic much?

Ryan hates Chinese buffet restaurants.  I don't mind them.  The kids can't get enough of them.  As such, I try to get those thrills out of the way when he isn't with us.  These were our fortunes.  The top one was mine.  Umm...I'm going to Illinois for my next adventure.  Is that what exotic means?  Alicia got the middle one.  Jac talks in riddles, so pretty sure that cookie was meant for him.  Jac's in the last one.  Ha.  I call a "do-over".

You should know this is the summer where Jac evidently is buying into "big sister advice".  You know, about bathing and such.  That he should.  Bathe, that is.  The other thing about Jac is staying at hotels ranks right up there on his list of things he likes to do most.  Do I need to mention he has to mess with everything in the room?  Hair dryer included.    Sometimes, I forget how freakin' cute he is.

William & Mary

What you should know about me is I'm not the kind of parent that buys into that whole "Let's drive around the world and look at colleges" business.  But, we were there and she wanted to see it.  They took us on a two hour tour.  Truth be told, I love it (and was originally going to do my Master's there...a million years ago, before we decided to live in Maryland instead of Virginia).  The other truth be told, it's a pipedream.  They only accept 1/3 of applicants and 2/3 of those have to be from Virginia.  I bought her a t-shirt anyway.  Who knows?

"Wren Building"...the oldest college building in the United States.  Thomas Jefferson studied here.  Seriously?  How could anyone not want to go to college here?


It's goes without saying I had to do the whole "Well...I guess we aren't leaving until you let me get a picture" bit?