Monday, September 10, 2012
Fall, maybe?
Suddenly, the mornings got chilly. Which is kind of awesome considering my room at school does not have AC and last week it was about 122 degrees in there every day and the kids were like wet dogs. Blah. Today was much better.
Fall=winter squash season. I LOVE squash soup. A lot. Was just planning on having soup, but when I went to the garden to get rosemary I noticed there were ripe tomatoes. Who knew? I spaced that garden awhile ago and haven't really been out there since. The kids had talked me into this nutrition-free bread and I decided to make open face sandwiches. I got hooked on these sandwiches (with better bread) at the beach; bread/hummus/sprouts. So good. On better bread, that is. So, soup (that I added spinach and white beans to) and mediocre sandwiches.
Will perhaps be MIA until the end of the week. I have three back-to-school nights in a row. I wasn't planning on going to some of them (because listening to 7 people read syllabi to me each night is BORING), but the kids at school told me that all white people go to that stuff. So...huh. I guess I have to go?