Just building furniture in the living room on a Saturday night...carry on...
Aren't these tomatoes cute? Some kind of heirloom from Seed Savers. (Too lazy to look them up right now...) I have tons of them out in the garden. I would have picked more, but my phone was trying to blow-up with tornado warnings and the like and I finally decided I should come inside. I only went out for the rosemary anyway.
Crafting while making dinner. This is part of a fairly large project (for me, anyway). At some point, you will get to see all of that.
Dinner=Spinach salad with artichoke hearts, a few different olives/marinated mushrooms and garlic, white bean/basil hummus and those tiny tomatoes. I thought we had pine nuts. I was wrong. Beans and crash potatoes. Search "crash potatoes" for a recipe. There's a million posts on the net about them.
Alicia made a chocolate lava cake.
Bad Weather = Bad Light