Goal #1...get the farm animals out of my house.
Right now, I've decided the transition needs to happen. Obviously, this is not a permanent solution, but gives my little girls some experience with the out of doors and gives my big girls some experience with getting to know them. (Because, we had some disasterous results last week when I read you can just sneak chicks under hens when they are asleep and they will wake up and think they've been there all along. Umm...no. That isn't what happens.
Goal #2: Get the garden cleaned out and planted.
My potager is a DISASTER. I keep trying to work on it and just get overwhelmed. The only things growing there right now are strawberries, rosemary, thyme and chives.
Goal #3: Feed my family good food.
Last night was hummus and a tray of veggies...yum!