By 3 p.m. every Friday, during the school year, my body aches and my brain has usually turned to mush. This happens every week. Strange. I don't recall this pattern with any other job I've had. Maybe, it's because I'm older? Maybe, because I've got kids? Maybe, because my days are full of other peoples' teenagers and I'm just "done" by 3 p.m. every Friday? I don't know. What I do know is my people think dinner is "a must" (phrase stolen from
Micah, lol) every night...even on Fridays.

I am especially tired today. (Maybe because I was at work for 16 hours yesterday?) I think I dozed off while flipping through one of my Moosewoods trying to figure out what to make for dinner. At some point, it occurred to me I start dinner the same way almost every night...saute onions, red peppers and garlic in olive oil. I figured if I started, dinner would shape itself.
I was right. It did. And my people are happy.