
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. -Proverbs 1:7

Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost you all you have, get understanding.-Proverbs 4:7

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bao Bao Fail


The plan was to go see Bao Bao tomorrow.  When it isn't a holiday, but there isn't any school for us.  I figured the lines would be far shorter.  But, it's going to snow tomorrow.  Maybe, a lot.  Not, like  "anywhere were there is an actual winter a lot", but a lot for here.  If you've ever tried to drive in Maryland when it's raining, you already know what I'm talking about.  So, we went today.

Jac has been sick all weekend.  I thought the fresh air would be good for him.

He was ok-ish for awhile.  Doesn't he look miserable?  I feel sort of bad about taking him out like that.  But, also still convinced sick people should get a little fresh air and exercise if they can.  He's my kid that never gets sick.  It's weird when he's sick.  4 days of being sick?  Unheard of.

The closest we got to Bao Bao was the end of the 3 hour line and the merchandise.  Who stands in a line for 3 hours to look at a sleeping animal?  We'll try again another time.

We did see a really cool lizard.  I'm not really into lizards, but this one is glittery.  Who can't find something to like about a glittery lizard?

That's much taller in person.  It used to scare me to take the kids on it when they were little.  Visions of one of them taking a tumble...ugh.

We missed our return train by about 10 seconds.  Probably because I was trying to take a picture of the escalator.  Jac was pretty sure I was trying to put us on one going the wrong direction.  Turns out, not.