Starved Rock State Park
The resort was nearly across the street from Starved Rock and we almost didn't even go see it. Can you believe that? The thing is, there is only so much time. I had anticipated hiking back into the woods to see all the waterfalls and whatnot. That didn't happen. I was reassured by a sign in the visitors center that told me the waterfalls were not that splendid due to lack of rain. So, there you have it. We looked at the visitors center and we took a paddle boat ride. Ryan and Jac wanted to go out on the river again and stayed longer to go canoeing.
Starved Rock has an extensive Native American history with several tribes represented. If we would have had more time, I would have looked further into that.
So, this sign totally cracks me up. I mean, I don't find it funny the animals were hit by cars or poached, just the fact they made a sign about their origination. It did make for an interesting game of "So was the screech owl hit by a car or poached?" How do you hit an owl with a car? Why would anyone poach an owl? At any rate, I'm guessing the sign maker didn't intend for me to be so amused. I was.
Canadian geese on the Illinois River.
Starved Rock, itself.
Illinois River
If you were wondering what we ate during the reunion, this is it. O.K. Just kidding. Sort of. My brother drove from Maryland and showed up with a keg of beer (that got consumed on the first night), a refrigerator to house the keg (and a hand truck to transport the whole thing) and his deep fryer. You might be wondering "Who does that?" My brother. This is only a small sampling of the deep frying that was going on. I should have taken a picture of the table. If you can gain 10 lbs in a weekend, you might as well...right?
This last picture...ummm???? If you've never been to the midwest, this is what you should know: Outside of the couple cities there, there isn't a whole lot going on. I determined the town of Utica either has a lack of ordinances regarding the names of businesses or whoever governs such things is just not as hip as me. There was another shop called "Pothead". Aside from the logistical issues of how this was allowed to happen...WHY? It makes you wonder about the thought process of the owners when they were brainstorming names. Why would anyone think that would be a good reference for a place that sells things to eat. If you have no idea what I'm talking about....1. You fall in the "not as hip as me" category (even though the reference has been around several years). 2. You don't want to know. Just carry on. For the rest of you...want a cupcake? Blech.